Sweet Tea Trio Speaks Out About what Charities are Important to Them

Sweet Tea Trio is a dynamic trio from Alabama making a wave in country music. Kate Falcon, Victoria Camp, and Savannah Falcon have been compared to the Dixie Checks and the Pistol Annies with their sweet harmonies and their southern charm. Bright Star recently interviewed them about their charitable causes and their passions for giving back.
What charitable cause are each of you most passionate about?
I definitely think as a group as a whole it is Anti-bullying as well as autism awareness.
What are your inspirations behind choosing these causes?
Kate: I think individually we all have causes that are really important to us. I’ll let Victoria speak about autism. That’s definitely her cause. For me, I think anti-bullying is something that we all are really passionate about and talking to younger teens and our younger generation about being kind to others and being uplifting. As 3 girls not only in the industry, but 3 girls that have gone through high school and middle school, we know how people can be and how jealousy works and that kind of thing. Everybody experiences that in their daily lives. So we are really passionate about telling others to be kind and when people try to tell you that you can’t do something and you can’t chase your dreams you’ve got to lock arms with those that love you and support each other. You can do whatever you set your mind to. So we are really passionate about anti-bullying as well as girl empowerment like healthy body image and that kind of stuff. You know we believe that girls should feel beautiful especially with pressure of the society these days. We are really passionate about letting our younger generation know that they are beautifully and wonderfully made by God, who is loving and forgiving. That is something that is really important to us. That our fans, and girls and even our guys, you know that they know that they are wonderfully created and they are loved for who they are and not the image that they think social media puts them as and how we feel like we need to look and the standards we need to uphold. And then with Autism I’m going to let Victoria speak about this because I know this is something she really knows about.
Victoria: Autism is something that is really near and dear to my heart. I have helped out with Autistic kids my whole life and my 17 year old brother is severely autistic. He is nonverbal and it’s a special thing to me to work with special needs kids because it is a complete different scene from regular school kids. You know, for us, the thing about autism is that those kids need really special care and they hold a special place in God’s heart because they need to be taken care for. That’s just something that I’ve really grown up supporting and brought it along with me to Sweet Tea and the other two girls.
Savannah: My personal cause or charity that I want to give to in the future Is orphans in Africa. I’ve actually been blessed enough to go to Africa a couple of different times on mission trips and I got to see firsthand HIV and AIDs orphans and just to see how terrible it is over there and how great we have it over here. I went over there thinking, “oh I’m going to change so many lives and I was going to do so much”, but when in reality they changed me probably more than I changed them or helped them. Even though they basically have nothing and they were born with AIDS and HIV and with no parents and they are orphans, even despite all of that they are the happiest people and they really do touch your heart. So that’s what my charity or cause is.
That’s awesome with everything that you have done to give back and really promoting what you believe in. I saw where you all are playing the Nashville Basket Brigade. Would you like to tell more about that and how you got involved with them?
So the Basket brigade we actually found out about that program last year and about feeding the homeless in Nashville and we thought that it was super, super cool and one of our best friends, Lindsey Freeman, actually got us hooked up as an act for last year’s event and we just fell in love with it and they invited us back this year. It’s an honor to be back and get to play again and to feed the homeless for sure.
And last year, like she was saying, we did it and all of the other acts showed up in their Halloween costumes and we were like no one gave us the memo. [laughs] So we are really looking forward to coming back and just having a good time with everyone that is out there and to give back to Nashville. We love Nashville and it’s our home and in any way that we can help out we definitely love doing that.
That sounds like so much fun. Do you all have any other charity events coming up that you are playing at or helping at?
I don’t think we have any other charity events coming up. We are starting to get ready to gather up songs for our new EP and that’s what we are really dedicating our time to this fall and the coming of next year. That’s what we are really, really excited about, and the Basket Brigade of course.
That’s really exciting. I can’t wait to hear more of your music. Where can people go to find you on social media and online?
Aww thank you! We have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, we basically have it all. It’s just Sweet Tea Trio and we also have a website and that’s sweetteatrio.com.
Be sure to check out the Sweet Team Trio on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Sweet_Tea_Trio, and on Snapchat at sweetteatrio. Their website is www.sweetteatrio.com, and be on the lookout for their new EP coming out sometime next year.