Singer-Songwriter Troy Castellano Hosts 2nd Annual Fundraiser and Instrument Drive Supporting Instru
Middle Tennessee-based Instruments For Education announces its second annual Fundraiser & Instrument Drive. Raising money and collecting musical instrument donations for Nashville-area school classrooms, the magical night of music will take place on Wednesday, December 4th, 2019, 8:30 p.m. at The Listening Room Cafe in downtown Nashville and will include a line up of performances by from Nashville’s finest up-and-coming to established artists and songwriters listed below.
Tickets are available at $20 each on
’s website here or can be purchased on-site at The Listening Room Cafe (618 4th Ave. South, Nashville TN 37210, 615-259-3600). Tickets will also be available for $25 at the door the day of the event. The Listening Room will also serve as an instrument drop off point for this event. They will be accepting instruments from the date of this release through the date of the event.
As a way to give back to the community, Veteran Singer-Songwriter, Troy Castellano founded Instruments for Education (IFE) in the summer of 2018 and launched the non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization to provide Nashville area schools and teachers with musical instruments for their classrooms and students. IFE understands that many young students do not have the opportunity to explore and play or have the ability to afford instruments such as guitars, keyboards, and percussion instruments. IFE provides a service which collects donated instruments and monetary donations for the purchase of instruments to donate to area school teachers who request musical instruments.
Although their mission is to provide kids access to “real world” instruments like guitars and keyboards, they also collect brass and woodwind instruments to donate to school band rooms. As of November 1, 2019, IFE has donated 85 instruments to Nashville area classrooms! Visit the web site here. In addition to providing musical instruments to students, all donations are tax-deductible.