Ronnie McDowell Returns with “You Can Do It!”

In a time when depression levels around the world are skyrocketing due to impacts from a global pandemic, positivity and uplifting messages are exactly what the world needs. Country music icon Ronnie McDowell is back with exactly that sentiment: “You can do it!” His latest single, aptly titled “You Can Do It,” is a lighthearted song aimed at providing a ray of light in an otherwise dreary time. With a message as hopeful as his, his song could not have come at a more perfect time.
Known for his ability to convey an infectious, joyful energy in his music, “You Can Do It!” is sure to become another staple in McDowell’s catalogue. With cheerful lyrics that are simple enough for all ages and audiences to enjoy, his latest offering also appeals to a wide variety of music-goers. “’YOU CAN DO IT!' has become a sort of catchphrase for me throughout my life," said McDowell. "It's something my friends, family and fans have heard me say for years, and I feel like the song captures the positivity I've always wanted to convey with my music."
“You Can Do It!” is available now on all streaming platforms with a music video coming soon!
